
Our Broad Breasted turkey chicks have no unnecessary antibiotics, vaccinations, or stress. The chicks spend about 5 weeks our large Ohio style brooder. This brooder gives them the option of being close to heat lamps to warm up or out in the open to cool down. They have an enormous amount of room to move around, certainly as compared to commercial operations and even as compared to most small pastured operations. From day one we feed our chicks a GMO free, Corn free, Soy free feed. The feed is ground and mixed to order at a small operation, Mosaic Farms in Philomath Oregon. Ingredients are as local as possible. While more expensive than most feed we feel good knowing the ingredients were not doused with roundup or other chemicals several times like most commercial feed. At the age of about 5 weeks the chicks are moved to our custom built tractors. Our 10’ x 12’ tractors are about 5-½’ tall in the center. A heavy duty tarp covers about ¾ of the tractor providing shade and protection from wind and rain.

Once the turkeys are big enough to not be a target for the hawks that frequent the farm, they are allowed to roam the farm during the day. They do a great job cleaning up fallen apples, pears, figs, and whatever else they may run across. They also love leftover pumpkins.

Sixth Day Farms does an excellent job processing the birds as humanely as possible at about 15 weeks the weekend before Thanksgiving. The birds are cooled and refrigerated at about 35 degrees for the next four days. This is a critical step before freezing, many skip or are not aware of, to result in a tender bird.

Our Turkeys will be available the Sunday before Thanksgiving. They are fresh and ready for the oven, never frozen. Our target weight is 15lbs but will range between 12-19lbs. Limited supply.

Reserve your turkey as early as you can. Turkeys must be ordered in late spring in order to ensure we get them in enough time to raise for Thanksgiving. We only order a few extras.

For 2024 Turkeys are $6.00 per pound.